Get Joint Relative Position


This convenience function provides the relative position (or direction in space) of the one joint tracked by the Kinect device to another. This can be used to find the position between different bodies tracked by the device as the joints are retrieved from target bodies supplied to the function.


  • Target [KinectInterfaceComponent]: The Unreal Engine/Kinect interface object.
  • Start Joint [EKinectJoints]: The joint whose current position provides the base for the relative vector calculation.
  • Start Joint Body Number [EBodyNumber]: The body which the start joint belongs to.
  • End Joint [EKinectJoints]: The joint whose current position provides the end point for the relative vector calculation.
  • End Joint Body Number [EBodyNumber]: The body which the end joint belongs to.


  • Return Value [Vector]: The relative position of the end joint to the start joint, with units in Unreal Coordinates (centimetres).